(Diabetes type-2) [sugar] 

How It Occurs?
It occurs due to insulin resistance or obstruction in the body cells.

How Insulin Resistance Occurs?
Due to hardening of cell walls Insulin activity is impaired i.e. Insulin cannot reach in the cells ,Therefore sugar present inside cells remains undigested.

How Cell Wall Becomes Hard?
Due to production & deposition of toxic substances cell wall becomes hard. In various diseases like Fatty liver, Hyperlipidemia, High uric acid, Digestive problems etc deposition of toxic substances occurs.

Is Mental Tension Also The Cause Of Diabetes Mellitus Type-2?
Yes, severe mental tension releases harmful hormones which cause hardening of cell wall& Insulin resistance.

How Our Ayurvedic Medicines Function?
Our self prepared medicines function over toxic substances to expell out from the body, lower lipids, treats Fatty liver, Uric acid & Digestive problems.