Majority of the people suffer from back ache at some times the differential diagnosis includes, muscular pain, disk slip and degenerative arthritis, systemic disease eg. metastatic cancer.
Narrowed disk space, disk slip many patient of disk slip remain asymptomatic. Among all other diseases disk slip we percept very commonly because other mentioned diseases described in text of medicine are very rare disk slip is very common and remain asymptomatic for a prolonged period.
The word asymptomatic mean patient is having disk slip and having no complaint of back pain or limb pain. Pain may occur in these cases with a sudden jerk or trauma.

Important View

MRI Report : Suggestive of disk slip, but many times patient is not having pain we consider this disease is not threatening to your life.
1. Back ache of sudden or gradual on set.
2. Tingling and numbness with difficulty is movements is frequently complaint of.
3. Constipation may or may not be there but in many cases it aggravates the symptoms.
Modern view: No particular remedy is available except some symptomatic relief. We have seen many cases if remain for a long period in modern treatment they developed many other systemic complaints and diseases like gastritis, acidity etc.

Ayurvedic View

Complete bed rest for many days also does not give relief instead patient develops complications of indigestion, gaseous flatulence, constipation Anorexia and many other gastric complaints.

Why Ayurveda

Herbal based ayurvedic medicine gives relief in all the symptoms of disk slip. There is no need of complete bed rest, only heavy work and strenuous exercises must be avoided, mild bed rest in severe cases of back ache is advised.

Ayurveda accepts this disease under the abnormality of vata dosha. Apaan vayu and saman vayu is responsible for all the symptoms causes by herniation (slip) of disk.

Ayurvedic formulas corrects the inflammation and there by improves herniation (slip) of disk.
• Other complication of nervous system are also controlled very efficiently, no need of complete bed rest, pain killers patient taking regularly, those are very hazardous to human life and create other complication.
• We stop all the medicines immediately and there is no aggravation of symptoms.
• According to modern aspect you may know that this disease must not be considered so dreaded.
• As you are so fearful and doctors are also making you restless no need to be hopelessness and nervousness according to over ayurvedic view.
• Our self prepared ayurvedic medicine may be taken for a long period and no untoward effects we have noticed yet.
• Your other complaints like constipation, diabetes high BP migraine, prostate symptoms and many other diseases are treated concurrently according to holistic principles of Ayurveda.
• So there is no need to go to different doctors for other management except a few and very rare emergencies.
• We have seen many cases taking self ayurvedic medicine without the diagnosis of ayurveda physician.
• You may get harm proper diagnoses because there is long range of medicine for individual cases according their tridoshaj Prakriti (body constitution and vikriti pathology) in ayurveda.
• Ayurvedic medicine is different for different patient being the same diagnosis of disk slip, so we suggest there should be not be take even a single medicine of ayurveda without proper diagnosis.
• We have seen people taken Ayurvedic medicine without Ayurvedic consultant. This practice is hazardous for patient health.