• Arthritis
• Spondylitis
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Osteo Arthritis
• Arthritis of viral fever disease like Chikungunya Etc.
• Post Traumatic joint pain followed by stiffness of joints.

Modern Name

Ayurvedic Name


Sandhi Shoth

Osteo Arthritis

Sandhi Vata

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Aam Vata

Arthritis of Viral Fever Disease

Vishanu Jwar Janya Sandhi Shoth

Post Traumatic Pain

Aaghat Janya Sandhi Shoth Evam Shool


Word sandhi is used for joint of bones.

What is vata?

The humour and energy power of the body that is responsible for courage, respiration, human desire and movement in bodily function, create a balance in body tissue, normal excretion of waste products is known as vata. In modern views vata may be considered as nerve conduction and nerve impulses regarding nervous system are governed by vata.

Ayurveda view regarding of joint pain in multiple disease of joints:

Ayurveda indicate separate medicine for each separate disease mentioned above.
The causes of different diseases mentioned above in different individuals are treated on the basic principles of vata, pitta & kapha.
• Treatment depends upon prakriti of patient and type of disease.
• We strictly condemn the self medication that patient consume without expert opinion of Ayurveda physician.
• For a case of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis in different individuals the medicine is different according to body constitution and other ten types of patient examination detailed in Ayurveda texts.
• The chemical based pain killer may be same for many disease of joint pain but Ayurveda treats not only each disease but each patient according to Ayurvedic diagnostic principles separately.
• Our medicines are self prepared and acts very fast.
• We are getting patient in the later & complicated stage of disease.
• Patient is deteriorating with chemical based medicine getting complication of ulcer, frozen joint, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergic skin problems, liver disease, constipation, piles etc.
• Our Herbal based formulas corrects arthritis and holistic treatment normalizes other body disease. There is no need to get another remedy for the above mentioned disease present with Arthritis.
• We treat high blood pressure & diabetes presented in patient of joint diseases.
• The medicine corrects the allergens produced in the body those are responsible for the rheumatoid arthritis, joint deformity is prevented and movements are restored normal.
• Pain after viral fever and chikungunya are better managed by our treatment.